Growth Plan



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Ensuring 10 times growth and socio-economic development of the district,
by shifting from factor-driven and efficiency-driven economy, towards innovation-driven economy.

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The Case

Many countries share geographical locations and culture in the world, yet they have significant difference in socio-economic development

• Pakistan ($ 1,547per capita income ) and Afghanistan ($ 585 per capita income) share borders, but significant socio-economic disparities exist between both sides

• Taiwan and Thailand share culture and development history but in Taiwan per capita income is $22,000, as compared to $5,400 in Thailand

The two sectors that are the strength of Sialkot region are as follows:



Within these sectors the following points may be identified as ‘strengths’

Availability of human resource

Skilled manpower

Traditional creative environment

Existing innovation trends

Best practices

Success stories


This approach breaks down the traditional barriers between government, industry, academia, agriculture and civil participants, bringing these multidisciplinary viewpoints together in an environment that promotes team working, collaboration and the sharing of ideas. By working together, this quadruple helix approach can create new shared value that benefits all participants in what becomes an innovation ecosystem. Technology plays a key role in creating networks and connectivity. Value is characterized by a long-term view, focusing on improved social conditions as well as performance evaluation. And success is measured holistically for the ecosystem, rather than individual units. The outcome focuses on finding general solutions to common problems, rather than specific solutions or innovations that are one-off in nature. Using the solutions to the benefit of society is crucial.

Methodology/ Approach



• Sector wise need assessment
• Identification of required resource
• Need-based policies
• policies making & implementation

Sector specific need-assessment & R&D

• SWOT Analysis
• Identification of priority sectors
• Assessing 3 needs of these priority sectors

Industry led curriculum revision

• Industrial advisory boards in academia
• Industry specific programs and courses
• Virtual platforms
• Introducing Industrial pay scale

Skill Development

• Developing key employability skills
• Compulsory technical training
• One year compulsory practical internships in industry or agriculture


• Social Media Marketing
• Freelancing
• SCCI Directory

Import Substitution

• Industrial proposals for import substitution
• Identification of sector-wise priority needs
• R & D for import substitution

Brand Development

• Planning & Policy making
• Govt. facilitation
• Marketing & promotion

Creating an Ecosystem of Social Entrepreneurship

• Training & consultancy
• Incubation & acceleration
• Support & promotion

Facilitating SMEs & Cottage Industry with incentives & Loan Schemes

• Sustainable ecosystem of development
• Facilitation & support through SCCI
• Economic incentives and loan schemes

SMART District

• Installation & management of required equipment
• Creation of Databases
• Launching eSialkot project
• Ensuring environmental sustainability


Sialkot is already a world-renowned industrial hub. With facilitation from the govt. and policy makers, it can increase its productivity and thereby its share in the GDP manifold.
The following recommendations are being made for the consideration and implementation of all concerned government bodies in general, and FBR and HEC in particular:
  • Creation and facilitation of EPZ
  • Establishing a consortium of Industry-Agriculture-Govt.-HEC at national level
  • ood governance – ensuring peace, law and order, justice
  • Investment in Education and health sectors
  • Tax exemption or reduction on imports of raw materials
  • Financial support of declining industries
  • HEC to revise and upgrade curricula according to industrial needs, involving relevant industrial stakeholders
  • HEC to revise and upgrade curricula according to agriculture sector needs, involving relevant stakeholders
  • Facilitation for R & D
  • Continuously updated trainings/ workshops/ courses for human resource development in academia and industry
  • Facilitation in buying heavy machinery and costly equipment necessary for development
  • Initiating R & D centres across Sialkot district in already available buildings (TEVTA or others)
  • Initiating Makerspaces across Sialkot District in already available buildings, with latest equipment
  • Facilitating social entrepreneurship through NIC in Sialkot, with collaboration of all stakeholders
  • Economic incentives and interest-free loan schemes for youth and females
  • Research incentives and facilitation for academia
  • Devising policies for import reduction & increased exports, in consultation with all stakeholders